
Job Placement & Training

We specialize in sourcing, recruiting, and placing workers to matching job openings. Based on the needs and requirements of our customers, we identify the right talents and match qualified candidates to suitable positions.

We identify suitable and qualified contractors, preventing compromise and ensuring the procurement of safe and reliable human resources.

We provide multiple intervention activities through diagnostics and leadership coaching to improve management skills and competency.

We provide resources for workforce development through specialized training for management personnel, technical and operations team.

We provide energy testing, auditing, inspection and thermography services and train workforce on the effective use of diagnostic tools.

Energy Management Solutions

Our extensive services include design, engineering, procurement, equipment installation, operations and maintenance.





Customers We Serve

Providing innovative solutions and quality products for the global supply, recovery and storage of renewable energy.

We provide customized energy job placement and specialized training for our clients.

At Primegrid Energy, we connect our each client with each qualified candidate to ensure that the job placement is a good fit for both parties.